Dynasti Clothing Company
a clothing line ran throughout my Highschool years, It was my introduction into the world of streetwear. It was the catalyst that sparked not only my love, but my curiosity for the world of design. My heart logo (as pictured below) was the design that took the brand to a new level. Products including the logo were released under my sub-brand: the heartbreakKids. For the logo, I drew up inspiration from my Aquarius zodiac sign, as well as my favorite album at the time 808s and Heartbreak.
I listed the remaining inventory of my heartbreakKids collection for numerous reasons. One, to give the chance for old supporters to pick up some pieces they may have missed out on back then. Secondly, to allow my new supporters to shop the brand that once was before BRAND MILO. Lastly, you can say I'm paying homage to 16 year old Milo. I never knew I'd get this deep into my design career. Having both of my projects available to a new audience allows them to draw comparisons between the past and present Milo. Paying respect is a major value of BRAND MILO. One way I do so is by referencing silhouettes and upholding practices that were staples in the industry around the time I started Dynasti Clothing Co.
Although heartbreakKids has come to an end, it's evident the influence still subconsciously lives through my designs to this day.